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Personnel Management

As per the requirements of RPS Rules introduced in 2005, FPPL is a Registered Manning Agent with DG Shipping, India. Our Registration Number is RPSL-MUM-048

As Manning Agents, our scope of services would include following:-

Screen all candidates to ensure that STCW 95, MLC 2006 and work experience requirements are met. Client’s requirement if in addition to above shall also be met.

Forward the selected candidate’s documents for authentication/verification.

Conduct Medical examinations to ensure that selected candidates are certified fit for sea service as per ILO norms.

Check the antecedents and past experience of each candidate.

Supply each candidate with a pair of Boiler suits and a pair of safety shoes prior to joining the vessel

Maintain service and certification records of each candidate and make them available as required.

Obtain necessary VISAs to enable selected candidates to join vessel at the designated port.

Facilitate the candidate to travel and stay in Mumbai as and when required prior to joining the vessel.

Establish good relations with selected candidates by discussing career enhancement prospects, assisting his family whenever required and, while they are on leave, to keep certification up to date and ensure rejoining as per Principal’s instructions.

Assist candidates in obtaining necessary Flag State documentation (Panama, Liberian etc.)

Once the Principal advises FPPL about the details of the vessel/s to be manned, then, with owners permission, we will send our Superintendent to visit the vessel and co-ordinate with the technical department in order to understand the vessels needs, strengths, peculiarities, requirements and machinery. Our Administrative representative will visit Principal’s office to understand company policy and administrative/other relevant requirements. This will enable us to identify the most suitable candidate for a particular position and vessel.

Equipped with above knowledge, FPPL shall conduct in-house additional training in order to enhance the competency and skill level of all joining ship-staff. This will comprise of a 2-day course conducted in our office premises. One day will be for the officers and the 2nd day will be for the crew. A Master Mariner will cover topics such as ISPS, ISM, ISO directives, importance of Safety and Maintenance, PSC implementation and readiness. The technical department will cover MARPOL and ballast water management, Engine room Management and a C/E who has experience on the specific engine-type on which the staff is being sent, will be invited to brief the officers/crew on the problems, identification and fault-finding and maintenance of these engines. The Director will brief them on communication skills, business etiquette and decorum, resource management, company policy and expectations. Over and above this, FPPL has a tie-up with MASSA, which provides us with the wherewithal to arrange for training courses, both statutory, and value added such as PSC, vessel resource management and Bridge-Team management. This will further ensure efficient handling of Principal’s vessels.

The effectiveness of the training imparted and the need for additional courses shall be reviewed by the FPPL management – individually and in conjunction with the Principals. FPPL shall also independently conduct an immediate and a long-term evaluation of the ship-staff to determine whether they measure up to vessel requirements. FPPL shall also request Principals feedback for a more precise evaluation.